(Cricket News) The police said that the deceased, identified as Jayesh Chunnilal Savla, 52, was playing cricket on a field in Matunga, Mumbai when a ball struck him in the head and knocked him out. The incident happened on Monday night at around 5 p.m., according to police officials. “A tournament was organised by the Kutchi community and the matches were taking place at Matunga Gymkhana Dadar, Mumbai ground,” an officer said.
Senior police inspector Deepak Chavan of the Matunga police station said, “We have registered a case of accidental death report (ADR) and we are probing the matter.” Savla was a businessman and has a wife and a son, who was residing at Bhayander, Mumbai. The police said that Savla was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead before admission.
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