(Football news) Kerala Blasters has announced the signing of striker Bidyashagar Singh on loan from Bengaluru FC until May 2023. The 24 year old is a product of the Tiddim Road Athletic Union FC academy and began his career with East Bengal FC in 2016. He took the Kolkata side's U18 team to the finals of the 2016-17 U18 I-League, scoring 6 goals along the way and made his senior team debut in 2018, making 12 appearances for the senior team over two seasons.
In 2020, Bidyashagar signed for I-League side Trau. This turned out to be a major turning point in his football career. He scored 12 goals in 15 appearances, including two hat-tricks, leading Trau to a third-place finish that year. His performances in attack earned him several individual accolades – the Top Scorer award, the ‘Hero of the Season’ award and a place in the I-League ‘Team of the Season.’ Following his exemplary performance in the I-League, he signed with Bengaluru FC for whom he scored 3 goals in his 11 appearances in different national and international competitions.
Commenting on the Blaster's third Indian signing of the summer Sporting Director Karolis Skinkys said " I would like to congratulate Bidya for joining Kerala Blasters club. He showed his quality a couple seasons ago and we would like to give him the opportunity to explore himself in ISL. We are ready to help and wish him all the best with the new challenge. I am excited for this move, I am looking to get some game time and get my scoring boots back on. I know some of my teammates from Manipur, I am looking forward to get know the rest of them. It's a new challenge for me, a new place, new colors, and a new mission, and will look to deliver. I want to thank the coach and management for giving me this opportunity. " said a happy Bidyashagar Singh
Bidyashagar became KBFC's third Indian signing of the summer after Saurav Mandal and Bryce Miranda. Bidyashagar will add a new dimension to the Blasters attack as they prepare for the upcoming Hero ISL 2022/23 season. Bidyashagar is expected to link up with his teammates in Dubai as the Blasters prepare for the first of their three friendlies in the UAE. The Blasters are set to play against UAE First Division side Al-Nasr on 20th August.