Bajrang refuses to appear in selection trials under WFI, moves court against selection competition

New Delhi, Feb 29 (PTI) Rejecting the Wrestling Federation of India’s invitation to compete in the upcoming national trials, ace Indian wrestler Bajrang Punia has moved an urgent joint petition in the Delhi High Court, seeking a stay on the selection competition here on March 10-11.

It has been learnt from reliable sources that Bajrang, Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and her husband Satywart Kadiyan moved the court on Wednesday and the matter will be heard on Friday.

While Bajrang did not confirm filing a petition, he questioned the government’s silence on the issues concerning Indian wrestling.

The Indian team for the Asian Wrestling Championships Olympic Qualifier in Kyrgyzstan next month will be selected on the basis of the trials at Delhi’s IG Stadium.

Bajrang told

Source: PTI News


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