Mandya (Karnataka), Jan 5 (PTI) Some of the top tennis talents, including India’s Sasikumar Mukund, will be seen in action when an ITF event returns to the city after eight years through the Mandya Open, scheduled between January 7 and 14.
The tournament, the first ITF event to be played here since May 2015, has attracted players from over 18 countries and offers a prize pool of USD 25000. Apart from Mukund, other top players on the acceptance list are: Eric Vanshelboim (Ukraine), Kris van Wyk (South Africa), Giles Hussey (Great Britain) and Thomas Fancutt (Australia).
Local star SD Prajwal Dev from Mysore, who was recently included in India’s Davis Cup team, is also among the five Indians to gain direct entry.
KSLTA Secretary, Maheshwar Rao said: “It is our endeavour to develop and grow the sport of tennis across the state.” “We hope that events like these will benefit the local players while giving small towns an international exposure.” The singles main draw comprises 32 players, with 20 gaining direct entry while four earn a wild card.
The remaining eight players come from a 32-player pool who play the qualifiers between January 7 and 8.
Indians Rishi Reddy, Manish G, Manish Sureshkumar and Neeraj Yashpal received wild card entries for the main event.
Source: PTI News