London, Apr 16 England all-rounder Ben Stokes will be out of action for “up to 12 weeks” as his fractured left index finger will require surgery that will take place in Leeds on Monday. A repeat X-ray and CT scan revealed that the 29-year-old has a fracture in his left index finger, an injury that he picked up during the ongoing IPL. Stokes, who is currently in India with his franchise Rajasthan Royals, will fly home on Saturday.”Ben Stokes will be out for up to 12 weeks…He will have surgery in Leeds on Monday,” read a statement from the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) on Friday.The injury occurred while Stokes was fielding during Royals’ opening match against Punjab Kings on Monday when he completed a catch in the deep to see off Punjab Kings batsman Chris Gayle.While Stokes is ruled out of the entire tournament, it remains to be seen if another key Royals player, Jofra Archer, can recover in time from a hand injury to take part in the later stages of the IPL. News source: PTI
Stokes to have surgery on Monday, out for up to 12 weeks: ECB
- SpogoNews Team
- April 16, 2021
- 5:18 pm
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