Kiran falls short against the reigning World champion Vitidsarn in 2024

Kiran's lack of firepower becomes evident as the World No. 9 Thai cruises to the semifinals with a straight games victory

(Badminton News) Kiran George faced a significant setback in the Indonesia Masters Super 500 quarterfinals due to the absence of a reliable kill-stroke and an assertive rally-ender. This deficiency proved to be a major challenge for the World No. 36 as he strives to break into the Top 20 and Top 10 in the years to come.

In a match lasting 43 minutes on Friday, he suffered a defeat of 21-14, 21-6 against reigning World champion Kunlavut Vitidsarn. Despite displaying aggressive intent, Kiran struggled to conclude the long rallies effectively, lacking the decisive smash-kill.

Vitidsarn, known for his steady core stance and efficient shuttle striking, controlled the rallies with his resilience. Kiran, while equipped to survive extended defensive rallies, lacked the knockout punch needed to conclude them. The Thai champion took an early lead in the first set, maintaining control with his solid defense and reliable hits.

Kiran’s reliance on speed and frequent net charges couldn’t unsettle Vitidsarn, who remained resolute in defense. As the match progressed, he faced challenges in longer rallies and succumbed to a series of errors. Vitidsarn’s ability to dictate play and frustrate opponents with his defensive style became evident.

Despite the 21-6 score in the second set, he struggled to match Vitidsarn’s level, with errors piling up as fatigue set in. Kiran’s attempts to play a similar aggressive style as in the previous match proved ineffective, and he found himself running out of patience. Vitidsarn capitalized on Kiran’s weariness, playing casual drop winners and securing a comfortable 21-6 victory.

The match highlighted the need for Kiran to develop a finishing firepower, incorporating solid court-work and intense strength sessions to enhance his ability to deliver potent smashes after enduring lengthy rallies.

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