Hockey Events at the Special Olympics World Games 2023 : Preview

Special Olympics to begin from 18th June

(Hockey News) The Special Olympics World Games 2023 in Berlin will mark a significant milestone as it introduces Hockey ID, a hockey tournament specifically designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities. This demonstration sport will be played for the first time in the history of the Special Olympics, starting from June 18. The games, which commence on June 17 and conclude on June 25, will witness the participation of over 7,000 athletes from 190 delegations across 26 summer sports.

Hockey ID was selected as a demonstration sport after careful consideration, with the cooperation of the FIH , EHF, and other national associations being a key factor in its inclusion. The Hockey ID matches will span from June 18 to June 24 and will feature 13 mixed-gender teams representing four continental federations.

The participating teams, including Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands, Pakistan, Paraguay, and Spain, will consist of 10 players each. Germany, as the host nation, will be represented by two teams. The matches will follow a 6-a-side format, taking place on half-sized pitches. Each game will consist of two 15-minute halves, with six players from each team on the field and four additional players available as substitutes.

The teams have been divided into two pools. Pool A includes Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Egypt, Netherlands, Pakistan, and Germany (team 1). Pool B comprises Paraguay, the Czech Republic, France, Chile, Bulgaria, and Germany (team 2). The preliminary rounds will be held from June 18 to June 22, followed by knockout rounds on June 22 and June 23. The finals and the award ceremony are scheduled for June 24.

Norman Hughes, the FIH Hockey ID Project Lead and a driving force behind the inclusion of Hockey ID in the Special Olympics expressed his pride in seeing 13 teams from four continents participating in this inaugural edition. He emphasized the significance of using the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 as a platform to inspire more nations to develop and promote Hockey ID, highlighting the global interest in fostering inclusivity.

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