Russell and Hamilton are cited for the Spa F1 qualifying incident

The FIA stewards have called Mercedes Formula 1 drivers Lewis Hamilton and George Russell in response to their on-track altercation during qualifying for the 2023 Belgian Grand Prix.

(Motorsports news) George Russell was following Lewis Hamilton as they ascended the famed Eau Rouge-Raidillon, but the seven-time world champion seemed to be moving slightly more slowly and off-line via the left and right. At the top of the hill, Russell let off the gas as Hamilton sped off the track, veering over the painted run-off before returning just in front of him.

As a result, Hamilton was under investigation, and now both drivers have been asked to appear before the race officials. This specifically relates to a 203 FIA International Sporting Code Appendix L alleged violation. The relevant sentence is as follows: “Drivers must always use the track and may not leave the track without a valid reason.

“For the avoidance of dispute, the kerbs are not regarded to be a part of the track, but the white lines outlining the track borders are. “A automobile may re-enter the track if it leaves for whatever reason. However, this is only permitted when it is secure and without obtaining any long-term benefits. “If any part of the car is in contact with the track at all, the driver will be deemed to have abandoned the track.

Any conduct that causes debris to be taken onto the track may be reported by a driver to the Stewards. Hamilton finished fourth in the final round of qualifying for the race on Sunday. However, he will start the race from third because Max Verstappen, who beat Charles Leclerc of Ferrari by 0.82 seconds, received a five-place grid penalty. Russell, on the other hand, finished Q3 eighth fastest.

Notably, the Mercedes team also collided during Q2 of the Spanish Grand Prix earlier this season. The #63 car then skidded off the track as Hamilton attempted to pass Russell on the main straight. The W14s made a brief collision and Hamilton landed on the grass, suffering only minor bodywork damage. A formal warning was issued to Russell and the team for having “abnormally changed direction.”

Also read: The potential outcomes if rain cancels the F1 Belgian GP weekend are described


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