(Football news) SC East Bengal's Antonio Perosevic failed to get a reprieve from his five match ban imposed by the All India Football Federation (AIFF) after being charged for ‘violent conduct towards a match official’ in the Indian Super League match against NorthEast United last month. The 29 year old Croatian was also given a 1 lakh fine.
The player had lodged an appeal to decrease the penalty on January 8th, mentioning that he 'had no intention of making contact with the referee or indulging in any act that constitutes violent conduct.' The AIFF deliberated on the appeal on January 10th but proceeded to dismiss the plea in full, confirming that the original penalty will stand. Moreover, Perosevic will be required to pay an additional 60,000 INR towards the cost and expenses of the appeal. The Croatian has already served three out of the five match suspension and will miss out on SC East Bengal’s fixtures against Jamshedpur FC and FC Goa.
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